If you’ve ever wanted to write freely, without censors, editors, or critics, this is your chance. Experience the exhilaration of tapping in to your authentic voice. No holds barred. No worries about publication or perfection. It’s all about letting go and having fun in a safe, creative atmosphere.
Each week, we do a variety of freewriting exercises in response to specific prompts about life experiences, past and present. Sharing is optional but strongly encouraged. Write It Like It Is draws on the work of Natalie Goldberg, Nancy Aronie, Steve Almond, Brenda Ueland, and others.
Freewriting and sharing over time with the same people deepens the experience of self-discovery and creates new pathways for self-expression. Plus it's fun and enlightening! For beginners, it's a way to get the pen moving; for experienced writers, it's a way to get "off the page" and quiet the inner critic. Just bring your desire, imagination, and willingness to take a risk.
For more, check out my essay, "Write It Like It Is: The Power of Group Freewriting," Brevity Blog, May 29, 2024
Please email to see if there is room and to ask any questions. After you hear back, then use the PAY NOW button below. Or you may use Venmo, Zelle, or personal check (please request address). Cancellation policy: No refund if cancelled within 72 hours of start date except in an emergency.
You might be familiar with your Inner Critic—the voice that says you’re not good enough. Or compares yourself to others. Or expects nothing but perfection. Our instinct is to push that voice away. But, paradoxically, you can find more inner peace and free up creative energy by moving toward that voice, with curiosity and compassion. In this workshop, we’ll first cover the roots and purpose of the Inner Critic in general and how it can affect writers and other creatives in particular. Through lecture, discussion, and written exercises, we’ll examine seven types of Inner Critics, including the Perfectionist, the Task Master, and the Guilt Tripper. Finally, we’ll practice specific skills and strategies for managing your Inner Critic so that you can move happily forward in your creative life. See more information about working with the Inner Critic here.
Stay tuned for info about the next six-week group.
This online support group is for those who want to work deeply with the Inner Critic in a group setting; set individual goals and create measures for accountability; share their pitfalls and progress with others; and learn additional skills and tools for managing the Inner Critic. This is not group therapy but it is always therapeutic to connect to others who are on the same path! See more information about working with the Inner Critic here.
Cost: $300. Maximum of six participants. Payable by Venmo, Zelle, or personal check. Please email to inquire about registration.
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