This mindfulness-themed picture book, published by Parallax Press and illustrated by Sara Woolley, has won several awards:
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SPEAKING OF QUIET PLACES, my children's poem "Can You Hear Silence?" appears in the anthology Friends and Anemones: Ocean Poems for Children (Writers' Loft, 2020).
Sober Starting Today Workbook: Powerful Mindfulness & CBT Tools to Help You Break Free from Addiction features a foreword by Christopher Germer, PhD.
Read "Thinking About Sober Spring? Don't Just Keep Score. Dig Deeper!" featured on the New Harbinger Publications blog.
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“If you long to free yourself from the trance of addiction, this brilliantly organized workbook
will guide you with compassion and clarity. Sober Starting Today Workbook combines
transformational mindfulness practices with the wisdom of Western psychology to offer readers a practical, hopeful path toward deep healing and self-awareness.”
—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance and Trusting the Gold
“Whether you’re trying to quit, cut back, or just take a break from using substances, you’ll need self-compassion for your journey, and no workbook lays out that path with simple,
straightforward practices better than Deborah Sosin’s Sober Starting Today Workbook.”
—Christopher Willard, PsyD, part-time faculty, Harvard Medical School; author, How We
Grow Through What We Go Through
“In this beautifully written and organized workbook, Deborah Sosin addresses the subject of
addiction in a way that artfully links the practice of mindfulness with the journey of recovery as powerful co-factors in healing. Readers and practitioners who complete the book’s exercises and practice embodied awareness as they are guided will have a new experience of their habits. Guaranteed.”
—Lawrence Peltz, MD, author of The Mindful Path to Addiction Recovery
“This clinical workbook is a must-read not only for people suffering from addiction but for the people who love them. It offers a richly user-friendly approach to providing the skills people need for achieving substance reduction and abstinence. With its helpful vignettes and essential worksheets, this book addresses the core question asked by those struggling with alcohol and drugs: ‘How do I get control of my addiction?’”
—Michael W. Otto, PhD, professor of psychology at Boston University, and author of Exercise for Mood and Anxiety Disorders
“Deborah Sosin’s Sober Starting Today is packed cover-to-cover with practical wisdom and
exercises to help people achieve and maintain recovery. Her mindfulness-based guidance is
readily combined with other interventions, for example, 12-step groups. While based on
Buddhist tradition, two foundation stones to what Deborah offers, namely, compassion and hope, are crucial components to other belief systems also, so her language is familiar and comforting. I recommend this workbook to colleagues and patients.”
—Mark J. Albanese, MD, medical director, Massachusetts Physician Health Services and
faculty department of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance
“Deborah Sosin does a great job offering evidence-based mindfulness and CBT strategies to
assist clients on their recovery journeys. The ‘Does This Sound Like You?’ component is an
excellent way for clients to compare their personal situations to real-life scenarios. Although
designed for clients, the book also offers activities that will help counselors in their clinical
—Patrick Griswold, MEd, MSN, RN, LAC, associate professor in the department of human
services and counseling; clinical instructor in the department of nursing, Metropolitan State
University of Denver
“Sober Starting Today Workbook is a refreshing, forgiving, yet realistic and hopeful step-by-step guide for navigating the addiction recovery journey. This workbook is well paced and logically sequenced with real-life examples applicable to anyone. It is respectful of the disorder and the person. It introduces valuable life coping skills that are useful to anyone looking for a comprehensive self-care guide and resource.”
—Janice Kauffman, RN, MPH, LADC, assistant professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
“Deborah Sosin’s Sober Starting Today Workbook does what most recovery-focused books do
not—it integrates a wide range of evidence-based tools into a clear, easy-to-access sequence so that someone can be well supported in either entering or deepening their recovery experience.”
—Mitch Abblett, PhD, psychologist, author of the Nautilus Gold Award-Winning Mindful
Parenting book, Prizeworthy