I have delivered talks at schools, community education programs, mental health centers, and libraries on a variety of topics. I've also appeared at bookstores and storytime events, presenting Charlotte and the Quiet Place.
I offer presentations about addiction recovery drawing on concepts from Sober Starting Today Workbook: Powerful Mindfulness & CBT Tools to Help You Break Free from Addiction.
Please contact me at deborahsosin@gmail. com to discuss scheduling an event. The following programs are available, or we can create one together, depending on your needs:
I am available to present at your treatment center, outpatient program, or community group. A typical presentation covers the following topics and can be customized to suit an individual organization’s needs:
In-service trainings or other offerings for clinical professionals may be scheduled for 60 to 90 minutes, a half-day, or a full-day residency. Presentations for patient groups run 60 minutes.
Daytime presentations are available within a 50-mile radius of Greater Boston. If travel beyond that range is necessary, the sponsoring program could be asked to cover author’s hotel and travel expenses. Zoom presentations may be arranged.
You might be familiar with your Inner Critic. Most writers and artists are. It’s the voice that says you’re not good enough. Or compares yourself to others. Or expects nothing but perfection. Our instinct is to shove it aside or tell it to shut up. But, paradoxically, we can find more inner peace and free up creative energy by moving toward that voice, with curiosity and compassion. In this workshop, we’ll explore the roots and purpose of the Inner Critic and learn practical skills and strategies for managing it so that you can move happily forward in your writing and artistic life. (60 to 90 mins.)
This interactive presentation is geared to young adults or adults who want to learn about the world of personal journaling. We will take a brief spin across the centuries to review the history of journaling, then discuss "Why journal?" Next, we'll look at the process itself (what, when, where, how), and explore the psychological and physical benefits of starting and maintaining a journaling practice. Brief writing prompts can be included in the presentation, depending on group size and goals. (60 to 90 mins.)
This presentation includes a reading of Charlotte and the Quiet Place; overview of the research and discussion of the benefits of mindfulness for children; and demonstration of kid-friendly mindfulness exercises, including awareness of body, breath, sound, movement. (60 to 90 mins.)
Have you always wondered what’s involved in publishing a picture book? In this workshop, we will review the step-by-step process that led to the publication of Charlotte and the Quiet Place. Using a fun PowerPoint slideshow, I present the text from earliest scribbled notes to finished product, including side-by-side comparisons of the manuscript at different stages. Then we’ll look at the evolution of Sara Woolley’s illustrations, from initial sketches to final product, and discuss how the illustrations influenced the editorial process. (75 to 90 mins.)
If you were to peer inside the mind of a writer or artist, you might see a swirl of words and ideas, sounds and images, as well as doubts, fears, and judgments. Sometimes that mental activity drives our creativity. Sometimes it interferes with or even cripples the process. Mindfulness—slowing down, paying attention, and tuning in to the present moment with acceptance and compassion—can help us bypass internal obstacles to creativity. The technique of freewriting in particular can bring fresh energy and insight to our work. Writing without stopping, editing, or censoring lowers the volume on the inner critic and opens up new creative avenues for artists, teachers, therapists, businesspeople, and thought leaders. In this talk, which includes a PowerPoint presentation, we look at mindfulness and creativity in general, then focus on freewriting as a powerful mindfulness practice, even for nonwriters. Participants will have the opportunity to do one or two writing exercises to tap in to their own creative well. (90 mins.)
Do you have a hard time quieting your mind? Tuning out distractions? Thinking clearly and creatively? Mindfulness can help. Studies show that mindfulness—noticing what's happening in the present moment without judgment—leads to greater calm, clarity, and resilience, all powerful building blocks for creative work. In this workshop, I review the fundamentals of mindfulness, share the latest research, then offer a series of writings and mindfulness activities designed to open up those creative channels. You'll leave with practical skills and useful strategies for incorporating mindfulness into your writing life. (60 to 90 mins.)
This presentation includes a reading of Charlotte and the Quiet Place; content is adapted according to grade level and group size. Grades Pre-K–1 (30 to 45 mins.), Grades 2–3 (60 mins.), Grades 4–5 (60 mins.). Middle school and high school presentations available (60 mins.) or contact me to discuss extended writing workshops. Mindfulness exercises include easy, fun ways for children to become aware of breath, sound, movement. For more info, click here.
In this presentation, I discuss the writing, revising, and publishing process. In-depth craft talk (for Grades 2 and up, 60 mins.) includes PowerPoint presentation showing the evolution of the book from first ideas to rough drafts to final manuscript; and from first sketches to storyboards to galleys to final product. For older children, we discuss craft elements such as story arc, patterns, rhythm, rhyme, alliteration. For more info, click here.
Click here for the YouTube recording of this stimulating discussion among a stellar panel of mindfulness leaders and educators, including Michelle Benedict, David Flores, JoAnna Hardy, JG Larochette, Danielle Mahoney, Andrew Jordan Nance, Deborah Salazar Shapiro, and Christopher Willard. In support of the Mindful Life Project, based in San Francisco. Recorded July 9, 2020.
On June 22, 2022, I read my essay "A Collaboration Across Time" as part of the Cambridge Common Writers June reading by Lesley MFA alumni. Watch the full event here.
On February 15, 2022, I was honored to read my essay "The Onesie in the Closet" as part of "Tell-All Boston: Tales of Rejected Modern Love," an online literary event co-sponsored by GrubStreet and Belmont Books, featuring writers whose submissions to the New York Times Modern Love column were rejected. Watch the full event here.
Listen to "Our Neighbors Are More Than the People Next Door," which aired on WBUR's "Morning Edition" on August 19, 2019.
Watch my 2018 interview on Access Framingham TV's "Novel Ideas," with hosts Carol Lynn Luck and Josh Brogadir, in which we discuss Charlotte and the Quiet Place, laughter yoga, and much more!
Charlotte and the Quiet Place was named #4 on "The Ultimate List of the Best Picture Books, Endorsed by Kids and Parents"! Thank you for the honor!
"Mindfulness, Montessori, and the Making of a Picture Book," interview with Gaby Brabazon of the Cosmic Bookshelf.
Enjoy this Q&A, "Meet Deborah Sosin," in Boston Voyager magazine.
I'm delighted to share this interview with Mijha Godfrey, founder of Jambo Books, a subscription service that celebrates picture books starring children of color.
Salisbury Central Elementary School (Salisbury, Conn.)
Indian Mountain School (Lakeville, Conn.)
Park School (Brookline, Mass.)
Thompson Elementary School (Arlington, Mass.)
Cottage Montessori School (Arlington, Mass.)
Citizens of the World Charter School (Mar Vista, Calif.)
Newton Montessori School (Newton, Mass.)
Jackson Walnut Park Montessori School (Newton, Mass.)
Peirce Elementary School (Newton, Mass.)
Hardy Elementary School (Wellesley, Mass.)
Cornerstone Academy (Northborough, Mass.)
Wellesley in the Hills Nursery School (Wellesley, Mass.)
Lesley Ellis School (Arlington, Mass.)
St. Mark's Episcopal Day School (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Prospect Hill Academy Charter School (Somerville, Mass.)
JAX Book Fest, Jacksonville Public Library (Jacksonville, Fla.)
Watertown Public Library (Watertown, Mass.)
Lucius Beebe Memorial Library (Wakefield, Mass.)
Harvard Business School (Cambridge, Mass.)
"Befriend Your Inner Critic," Harvard Business School (Cambridge, Mass.);]Lesley University MFA community's Cambridge Common Writers (Zoom presentation), December 5, 2023
"The Power and Wisdom of Journaling," Harvard Business School (Cambridge, Mass.)
"Finding a Quiet Place Inside: Mindfulness for Children," JAX Book Fest, March 2018 (Jacksonville, Fla.); Beacon Hill Nursery School, April 2020 (Boston, Mass.)
"Mindfulness for Writers: Lower Stress & Boost Creativity," The Writers' Loft, Craft Talk, November 2016 (Sherborn, Mass.)
"Finding a Quiet Place Inside: Mindfulness for Children," Yoga Day 2016, Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, Calif.)
"Finding Your Quiet Place: Mindfulness Skills for Kids and Families," Newton Community Education, with Carla Naumburg, PhD (Newton, Mass.)
"The Making of a Picture Book: From Concept to Completion," Osterville Village Library (Osterville, Mass.) and Park School Picture-Book Writing Camp (Brookline, Mass.)
"Going with the Flow: Mindfulness and the Creative Process," Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy's Buddhist Psychology Lecture Series (Arlington, Mass.); and Cambridge Health Alliance (Somerville, Mass.)
"From Cushion to Page," Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy panel discussion (Cambridge, Mass.)
Barnes & Noble Bookstores (Boston & Burlington, Mass.)
An Unlikely Story (Plainville, Mass.)
Newtonville Books (Newton, Mass.)
Wellesley Booksmith (Wellesley, Mass.)
Oblong Books (Millerton, NY)
La Casa Azul Bookstore (New York, NY)
New England Mobile Book Fair (Newton, Mass.)
Harvard Coop (Cambridge, Mass.)
Aesop's Fable Book Shop (Holliston, Mass.)